Good afternoon.
My name is Amanda Collier. I was part of the first lay offs. I was laid off in August. I came into work, and everyone, as in upper management, was acting weird. I heard from a couple people that they were getting ready to lay people off. I saw one rep packing up her own desk, which I found very odd. Because when you are let go, us Supervisors, are the ones to pack that person's belongings up. I was the Home Accents Supervisor.
After being there for about 3 1/2 hours, Vince asked me to come into his office. I knew right away that I was going to get laid off. I got in his office and Dale was also in there. I was extremely upset, I started asking questions immediately and let my emotions get the best of me. Vince was trying to be nice about the situation, but Dale wouldn't even look me in the eyes. He sat there and gave me dirty looks. I was, pardon my french, pissed!! I explained to them that I work my butt off everyday and that I do a good job. I asked them why was I chosen and Vince said because of a budget cut.
I began to explain to them that they just ruined my life because I just bought a house and that I was the sole provider for my family of seven. And they couldn't have cared less. I asked them if they were done because I had enough of what they had to say. Vince than asked me if I wanted to pack up my desk myself and I said yes that I had a lot of breakables and I didn't want them broken. I said let me use the restroom to wipe the tears off of my face so I can be presentable and I will go pack my stuff. Dale freaked out, he said that I shouldn't be able to use the bathroom or pack my desk up. And I said "Well I am."
Vince came out and helped me and was trying to tell me how bad he felt and I ignored it. I was hurt and scared of losing everything that me and my husband finally were able to get with my salary at Netshops. Dan Young was extremely nice and helped me out to my car with the dolly. Dale expected me to carry my boxes by myself!
That company is the worst company to work for!! I warn everybody that I come into contact with to stay the hell away from them!!!! To this day I am still having a very hard time finding a job, because of someone that still works in management there is giving me bad reviews when potential jobs call to get a reference on me! I am furious with how Netshops treated me and how they are still ruining my life!
Because of Netshops laying me off, I have had to face losing my house to foreclosure not just once but twice. I am late and behind on all of our bills and I cannot find a job. Because they are lying and saying that I was fired and not laid off! There is a lot of people that are still employed there that should not be. Doug Nielsen made a huge mistake by laying off the good and hard-working employees and keeping the lazy employees. Doug rather have people work under him that are doing things that are illegal than have great employees that not only bring in money but will give the company a good name. I hope they go bottom up and bankrupt! I can't understand why anyone still works there.
I regret ever applying and wasting over a year at that place!!!!!!!! All that company cares about is cheating the customers for more money!!!! THAT PLACE DOES NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda L. Collier
This is ridiculous. Amanda, you were nice to me, some of the time. But, seriously?!?! You're not a victim and they didn't let you go out of malice. They let you go b/c you're worthless. You were one of the lay-offs that always made sense to me. You, by your own admission, cannot tell analog time. Do you have any idea how many of us got amusement out of that fact every single day?? Even after you left.
You had newbie Reps on your Team that had more knowledge about the products and NetShops than you could ever hope to gain much less retain.
You did nothing but waddle around the Call Center floor waiting for Nancy to go on a smoke break with you and decorating desks for birthdays. I am, however, puzzled as to why you got let go and Paulette still has her job.
As for your inability to find a job now, I'm sure has nothing to do with performance reviews given by NetShops. I work at a company that you applied to and were turned away from. I don't know why you were turned away but I know it wasn't because NetShops gave you a negative reference. I quit in 8 hours. Do you really think Ms. Johnson would have given me a positive reference?? No. That's the kind of petty, caddy, hypocritical person she is. But, I am now employed and you…still aren’t.
Why don't you stop your boo-hooing and go stand in line for your Unemployment Benefits??? If you’re gonna be a burden to society, please have the courtesy to do it quietly.
Just wanted to let you know that has many digital clocks currently on sale and with FREE SHIPPING! Since your difficulties with those darn analog clocks is so well known, I figured I would try to help you out.
Maybe you need a digital alarm clock, to help you wake up in the morning to continue your ongoing job hunt, like the Perelli Alarm Clock (COL190). We also have the Educator Wall Clock (DVD007), which helps you with reading an analog clock properly. This would help you with your problems with analog clocks, and increase your skillset for your resume!
You can view these clocks and more at, a NetShops store.
You could continue being a worthless pile of flesh (a large one at that) and keep on blaming former employees for your shortcomings. You say NetShops is to blame for your inability to find another job and your problems with your home. How about turning that back on yourself and realize that you have the qualifications of a 6th grader at best and that no self-respecting company would hire you. If anything, NetShops did you a favor by hiring you and even promoted you to a manangement role - which was a huge mistake in my opinion. Keep crying and begging for attention, because I guarantee you no one gives a damn. If anything, starting this blog made you appear as an attention-craved moron who is hopping on the bandwagon - MONTHS AFTER YOU WERE LAID OFF. Don't expect pity or concern now when it never came in the first place.
You were petty and mean. You ran your team like a gulog.
You were put into a position you were not qualified to do, which is not at all your fault. That being said, though, you were a train-wreck as a supervisor. You missed a lot of work for various reasons, and when you were there, you alienated your employees and treated them as children.
Letting you go made sense. As I said, you should never have been promoted to the level you were; but it certainly is not the fault of Netshops that you are currently unable to find a position elsewhere.
Amanda ~
Here, I will respond to your comment in full you trailer trash ignoramus. But, before I do, let me point out that it makes absolutely NO sense to respond on another site to the comments I made on this one. That blog is about NetShops, not the wild hair that’s crawled up your fat ass.
First of all, you are TOO old to be playing this game. It’s for high school. Do you know what high school is?? Did you get that far??
I don’t give a damn about your Team’s performance b/c that is THEM not you. You didn’t manage a good Team. You had a good Team carry you which is no small load, trust me.
You say I could never be found?? Was it b/c I was always out smoking or was it b/c, unlike lazy buck passers like you, I went immediately to the sources of my resolutions instead of sitting back and waiting?? Maybe that’s it.
I will agree with you that a lot of people at NetShops knew how I really was. And ya know what?? They still chose to be my friends. Can I tell you that there were people from other companies in the smoke pit at some of the same times that you were and even they knew you were retarded??
What makes you think you have the right to air MY dirty laundry like that?? You have no respect for the consequences of your actions do you?? Do you know that the people in which you referred to have gotten back together and are trying to move on with their lives?? It was a mistake but I can't take it back. Leave it to a bottom feeder like you to throw it back in the faces of everyone involved, not to mention putting it out there for everyone that didn't already know about it. What I did, while it involved people I worked with, happened entirely OUTSIDE of the workplace. You would be a liar if you said the same.
The only “fronts” I put up at NetShops were the ones that kept me from punching people like you every time you opened your fat mouth. And, unlike you, I didn’t care if people didn’t like me. I was there to do a job, not make friends.
And “this shit about the clocks” came straight from the horse’s mouth. I heard you say it as if it were funny. For you, it’s sad. For us, it was and still is HILARIOUS. And, by the way, that didn’t start with me. It was common knowledge before I ever said a word.
I would like to know what “Bad Mistake on your Part” means. You and I don’t work together and we have no personal ties. Just what is it you think you can do to me that will matter one iota??
You opened yourself up for public ridicule when you posted your blog. How you didn’t see it coming is beyond me and quite amusing. And you claim I don’t know anything that’s happened to you since NetShops showed you the door. I know that your house has been foreclosed on twice, that you can’t pay any of your other bills and that you’re still unemployed. Ya know where I heard that?? From you, ASS HAT.
The jobs you say you’ve had since NetShops weren’t the fields you were “interested in”. Maybe it’s the fields that weren’t interested in you?? Heard about your attempts to become a cop. Lose any of that weight yet??
Let me give you a piece of advice: If you’re going to publicly attack someone, make sure you use spell check and proper grammar. When you don’t it only makes you look more foolish than you already do.
Again your true moronic colors have shown through in fine style. Why are you posting comments to me on the laid_off_by_netshops blog?? That site is for people who want to vent about their treatment by NetShops. If you want to post on there, by all means. But do not turn it into your personal battlefield while you fail to make me look worse than you.
One of the biggest differences b/w your comments and mine is that your comments are based on rumors, pettiness and immaturity. My comments are based on facts and personal opinions taken from first-hand accounts. Not second, third and fourth-hand information which is the only way you could get it as you could not be trusted.
I posted on this site for several reasons: You're an idiot. Always have been, always will be. You were NOT a victim, and even if you were, there were so many restructures done after you were gone that you have no idea what you are talking about now. There is no opportunity for you to speak intelligently on any subject included in the laid_off_by_netshops blog. That is not an attack on you, it's just a fact. You've been gone, what, 7 months?? I've been gone for 3 and I couldn't tell you what's going on there now. Do you see my point?? Your blog is as irrelevant as it is unintelligible. Look that word up in the dictionary; it's between unintelligent and uninterested.
Decided to ignore my advice about spell check and proper grammar, eh?? "Bad Mistake on your Part".
For those of you following at home, that makes the score:
Leigh - 3
Amanda - 0
To be personally attacked and come back with such intelligent remarks AND keeping it based on professional performance (minus a few justified snide remarks) shows Leigh has a higher level of maturity and professional manner than you could ever wish to have. And by bringing up personal information involving other people, which were not involved in any remarks against you, shows your blatant disregard for respect for privacy. Just because you like telling everyone all of your business doesn't mean it's okay to do the same to other parties. I hope anyone reading this now realizes how fake you truly are.
Good luck with the job hunt. I hear McDonalds is looking for a new Grimmace.
I really don't think there is any call for Leigh and "analog clocks" to be so mean, what is the point at this time? Amanda is venting about Netshops-she is entitled to. No personal attacks please "girls". Meow...
That's the beauty of Free Speech, Miss Thang. Amanda is entitled to her opinions. So are we. This blog was created as a public forum. I am not the only one that has used this forum to point out to Amanda that she has no right to blame NetShops for her inability to find a job NOW, 7 months after she was let go. Does that make sense?? It doesn’t to me. And, as someone who left NetShops on less than perfect terms, I think I would know if NetShops was in the business of passing out negative reviews on former employees.
She put my private business out there for the whole world to see and she had no reason or right to do that. Amanda, who had an illicit affair with a co-worker AT work. Amanda, who had alienated everyone around her that she didn’t like including her own team. Amanda, who would obnoxiously yell at her Team Members from across the floor when they made a mistake or were late. That is NOT how a “damn good Supervisor” manages a team and builds morale. God forbid she should have a mature one-on-one conversation with them and try to help them improve themselves. But, I guess you can’t give away what you don’t have. You can’t pass on wisdom if you’re dumber than a box of shit. And I’m not making this stuff up, honey. These are all happenings I saw with my own eyes.
If Amanda feels wronged by NetShops that is her prerogative. I think NetShops made an excellent decision by letting her go (and again, I am obviously not the only one here that thinks so). But, I think it is ridiculous that she’s trying to make NetShops the scapegoat of her current employment problems.
I tired to point out to Amanda that it made no sense to respond on the other site to comments I had made here. She continued to do so because she doesn’t think before she acts or speaks. She is only making herself look more ridiculous and unintelligent by continuing to respond with her poorly written, grammatically primitive, childish rants.
I am sorry that you feel we were being harsh on Amanda. You are also entitled to your opinion. But she really brought this on herself and neither of you will find sympathy from anyone else on this blog so far.
By the way, “I love analog clocks” and “Judson” are not females.
Amanda ~
Before you post another horrific string of incomprehensible rants, I want to tell you that I will not respond and I do not plan to post on your blog again.
I have said what I wanted to say and, at this point, it would be a waste of my time to continue to visit this blog. It holds no purpose for me.
A serious and honest piece of advice: register with a Temp Agency. Hell, register with several. Most are free and it couldn't hurt to have a professional helping you find a job. I found NetShops through a Temp Agency so I am not trying to insult you.
I do wish you the best of luck in your job hunt because, as a tax payer, I'm not really interested in supporting you and your family.
Amanda, Your comments about how I handled you lay off are so fictional. You must have been in a different room than I was. Most everything you said was a lie so it's time to move on with life and forget about the past. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family
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